Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Another Story...

“Hey, Mom I’m leaving,” shouted a girl of no more than 19 to 20 years old.
“O dear! Are you leaving already? When will you be back? Did you recite Ayatul Kursi? Where are you going? Is it far from here…… blah blah,”shouted the girl’s mother.
Being a girl I face these questions every morning and I am sure that every young girl faces it too. Now why do we face it? Is it because we are women? Are we going to ask the same questions to our children one day? The answer is yes. As long as this world exists this principle or more specifically this formality must go on. Why?
The answer is simple. The principle reason is the presence of the ruthless people in our society.. Throwing bad comments, brushing against a woman in crowded places, are severe acts of eve teasing. Now do we report these to the police? No because these are the minor accidents of our everyday life or in most cases we are afraid of the consequences. These minor accidents could bring a disaster in a woman’s life.
The awareness has not been aroused until the death of some students caused by eve teasing. Now many people do not report these incidents to anyone due to the fear of public shame and the people who have raised their voice against such crime have encountered the same harsher consequences. As a result many reports also go unnoticed. Unfortunately to my knowledge I haven’t seen or heard of justice being served to such women in our independent country Bangladesh. I have only read such stories in one of the sections of our daily newspaper. Lots of thanks to my Mom who always encourages me to read these articles and acquaint myself of the bitter truth.

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