Sunday, December 27, 2009

Is dress code the answer to eve-teasing?

The reason they stated for taking this step is that they think that western outfits make women more vulnerable to eve teasing. Like many students who protested against this decision, I too found the idea ridiculous.
First of all I’d like to tell those people who are under the above misconception that girls who wear Salwars or Saris too have been victims of eve-teasing. I don’t remember me or my friends ever dressing provocatively but I can state umpteen cases where we faced indecent behaviour from men on the roads.
Vulgarity is in the mind so even the girls wearing right attire can attract wrong attention. I accept the fact that, what women wear does matter. If a woman wears a daring outfit, she will arouse attention even in the most liberal surroundings, forget the traditional ones.
But the restrictions that have been put on women are outrageous. Instead of punishing the wrongdoers the ignorant heads of the institution are trying to impose a dress code on girls stating safety as the highly unacceptable excuse. If this be the case then how do they explain the fact that though women in the west are less conservative when it comes to clothes but still cases of eve-teasing or crime against women are far less there as compared to here?


  1. I think, you improne your blog by giving more interesting things about eve teasing.

  2. ur blog is different from others. So carry on!!! & as Mazharul said give more interesting things about ur topic.

  3. thanks to all...
    and i will try to get more interesting,,,,,,
